
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Organization of the information system of innovative potential of enterprises


The purpose of the article is to consider the organization of the information system of the innovative potential of enterprises. The management of innovative potential of the country is a research, development, and use of the innovative potential of each enterprise, which aims to maximize the synergistic effect of their development, meeting the objectives of the state's innovation policy. In the article, the authors have developed an information system for monitoring the level of innovation potential of the country as a system of parameters of a web service necessary for data processing, implementing the methodology for calculating the main indicators of the level of innovation potential at the macro and micro levels in the online mode. In this paper, the authors give practical recommendations for the functioning of this information system for monitoring innovation potential at the country level. The advantage of the information system is the possibility of using the method developed by the authors of the integrated assessment of the level of innovative potential of the enterprise and updating the data obtained. The mechanism of information support for monitoring the innovative potential of enterprises is formed on the basis of the data of the Passport of Innovative Development. The structure of the Passport and its content are designed to form an information base for monitoring the innovation potential in the strategic planning system of the enterprise.

About the Authors

Zh. B. Rakhmetulina
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

c.e.s., professor.


A. S. Kulmaganbetova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

master of Economic sciences.



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For citations:

Rakhmetulina Zh.B., Kulmaganbetova A.S. Organization of the information system of innovative potential of enterprises. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(2):73-80. (In Kazakh)

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