Improving the activities of the audit commission in the state audit system in the Republic of Kazakhstan
This article analyzes the activities of the audit commission in the system of state audit in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. Issues of effective management of budgetary funds and strengthening of financial and executive discipline, as well as the importance and necessity of conducting joint or parallel control measures by external state control bodies have been investigated. The author studied the issues of the effectiveness of the use of funds allocated from the republican budget. The organization of the effective activity of the Audit Commission, first of all, depends on the correct formation of long-term goals, as well as strategic priorities. The introduction of long-term planning is associated with the desire of the Audit Commission to fulfill its mission with the maximum benefit for the state and publicity. Long-term planning is aimed at ensuring the further development of governmental audit and financial control in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Audit and Financial Control”, as well as new concepts of budgetary policy. State audit in the Republic of Kazakhstan. With the gradual integration into the world community, there is a growing need to increase the competitiveness of government agencies. To protect regional interests, it is necessary to effectively manage local budgets, strengthen financial and executive discipline. Increasing the accountability of the state apparatus to the public for decisions made in the budgetary sphere will lead to the transformation of state financial control into an institution of state audit, which will make it possible to assess the existing economic mechanisms and promptly develop recommendations for the effective use of state financial control.
About the Authors
M. A. ZholayevaKazakhstan
PhD, acting associate professor.
G. D. Amanova
c.e.s., associate professor.
B. Zh. Akimova
PhD, acting associate professor.
LI Tchon Ku
c.e.s., associate professor.
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For citations:
Zholayeva M.A., Amanova G.D., Akimova B.Zh., Ku L. Improving the activities of the audit commission in the state audit system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(2):141-148. (In Russ.)