Communication aspect of museum activities (experience and innovation of museums of florence)
The aim of the research presented in the article is to study the directions and mechanisms of action of museums in innovative practice. The modern museum as a cultural center is more focused on the individual, takes on the functions of organizing the leisure of citizens, responding to the social order, lifestyle. The study of the experience of museums in this context is focused on considering innovation at the local level - the museums of the city of Florence (center of Tuscany), which are a vivid example of the communicative model of the museum. This model of the museum is especially in demand today against the background of the problem of attracting (and retaining) visitors existing in museums around the world and in Kazakhstan. The study of valuable experience and innovative approaches in the communication activities of the best museums in the world can give impetus to the development of museums in Kazakhstan. The situation with the COVID–19 Pandemic has made its own adjustments in the relationship between visitors and museums. Both Florentine and Kazakhstani museums reacted to the situation with interesting projects. It is concluded that the introduction and development of information systems in museums in Italy made it possible to significantly optimize their work, and this, in turn, allowed them to reach a qualitatively new level of presentation of their services and collections. There are ample opportunities for the world museum community to access the Italian heritage.A great help in this study was the master's thesis by Irene di Pietro, which was written in the city of Bologna in 2017. An important source was the personal observations of E.I. Kubasheva in direct acquaintance with the museums of Florence. The research was carried out using narrative and historical-genetic methods.
About the Authors
G. Sh. FayzullinaKazakhstan
c.h.s., associate professor.
E. I. Kubasheva
Master of arts, director.
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For citations:
Fayzullina G.Sh., Kubasheva E.I. Communication aspect of museum activities (experience and innovation of museums of florence). Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(2):175-183. (In Russ.)