
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Financial instruments – the driving force of the capital market


The article considers the capital market of Kazakhstan, which is interesting for international investors looking for expanded opportunities to make a profit through capital investment. The analysis of the portfolio of companiesresidents of Kazakhstan shows a high closeness to the standards of developed countries. Nevertheless, the country needs serious reforms designed to ensure an increase in the attractiveness of various spheres of investment of finance, transparency and predictability of state policy. There is a pronounced monopoly on demand on the market of investors in Kazakhstan, who are included in the institutional category: there is only one major player, offers are little diversified, IPOs and SPOs are extremely rare. In a crisis situation, the set of financial instruments changes in accordance with the accepted directions and rules of investment. Over the course of a number of crises, traditional low-risk assets have proven the existence of residual investment attractiveness with an average level of return. The situation in the global market is undergoing noticeable changes, including due to the consequences of the pandemic, as well as past crises. In general, the stock market in Kazakhstan should be used to attract both debt financing and equity financing. The active growth of investment retail is hindered by the low investment and financial literacy of the population, and the absence of large-scale IPOs.

About the Author

A. Omir
Narxoz University

PhD student.



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For citations:

Omir A. Financial instruments – the driving force of the capital market. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(2):184-190. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)