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Features of regional development processes in modern conditions


The relevance of the study is due to the issues of the successful development of any economic system based on the high dynamism of its links. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the processes of regional development at the present stage. The article touches upon the topic of the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Kazakhstan, gives a comparison by the size of the regions, gives the features of their development. The authors focus on the complex solution of the problems of regional development. As a research task, the authors attempted to assess and systematize the features of regional development in Kazakhstan. Considered and given the characteristics of the socio-economic development of the regions. The taxonomic levels of research and the views of scientists who have made a great contribution to the development of theoretical concepts of regional science are analyzed. The article substantiates the priority and effectiveness of the application of the «smart specialization» model to the development process of the region. The characteristics of the sectors of the economy of the raw material region are determined. The effects of the transition of the raw materials region to innovative development according to the «smart specialization» model are indicated. In general, the generalization of the experience of the development of regions according to the «smart specialization» model allows us to draw certain conclusions and recommendations when implementing the «smart specialization» strategy in the regions of Kazakhstan.

About the Authors

N. A. Kurmanov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

PhD, professor


A. T. Uskelenova
D.A. Kunaev Eurasian Law Academy



N. V. Nikiforova
Almaty Management University

d.e.s., professor


A. Zh. Satbayeva
Risk Management Department of JSC «Industrial Development Fund»




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For citations:

Kurmanov N.A., Uskelenova A.T., Nikiforova N.V., Satbayeva A.Zh. Features of regional development processes in modern conditions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(4):19-27. (In Russ.)

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