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Analysis of the provision of transport infrastructure in rural areas Republic of Kazakhstan


The purpose of the study is to determine the role and importance of transport infrastructure for the accelerated development of rural areas, the growth of agro-industrial production and improving the quality of life of the population of villages. In the study was used a structural-functional approach, a review of scientific publications by foreign and domestic scientists devoted to the study of transport problems in rural areas, interregional logistics, the state program for infrastructure development «Nurly Zhol», as well as data from the Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the main trends in the development of the road infrastructure of rural areas of the country, providing economic communication with other territories, the mobility of the rural population. According to the indicators of the density of roads and railways, the coefficients of the provision of transport infrastructure in rural areas of the country's regions are calculated. The regions were grouped into three categories of equipment (high, medium, low), which, according to the authors, allows determining the priority of measures of programs for the construction and reconstruction of roads, as well as the importance of their implementation for the economic recovery of rural areas. Based on the analysis, recommendations on improving the transport infrastructure of rural areas are given, which are of interest to regional and local authorities, state infrastructure development management structures, as well as scientists, doctoral students whose research interests correspond to this topic.

About the Authors

A. T. Tleuberdinova
Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

d.e.s., professor


V. B. Kulik
Turan University

c.t.s., associate professor


X. V. Kulik
Turan University

PhD student



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For citations:

Tleuberdinova A.T., Kulik V.B., Kulik X.V. Analysis of the provision of transport infrastructure in rural areas Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(4):103-111. (In Russ.)

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