Diversification of the economy of Kazakhstan as a priority of industrial development in post-pandemic conditions
The purpose of the scientific article is to substantiate the expediency of the diversification of the industrial sphere to ensure the economic growth of Kazakhstan in post-pandemic conditions. In this work, the following methods were used: synthesis, integrated assessment, analysis, consistency, logical generalization. The state of economic development of the republic in the conditions of a pandemic is shown. Substained the necessity of continuing modernization and intensification of the diversification process in post-pandemic conditions. Analyzed the development of industrial production over the 30 years of independence of the republic, where the mining sector takes priority. The essential role of the share of mechanical engineering in the structure of the manufacturing industry is determined. Significant measures of state support have been identified, which activate the course of diversification of the real sector of the national economy. Summarized the main problems of diversification of the industrial sphere of Kazakhstan. They include a low degree of digitalization and automation, technological conversion and qualified personnel. Forecasts and recommendations for the effective implementation of industry diversification in the postpandemic period are given. Important proposals here are to optimize the spending of the National Fund, to create the same economic activity regime for business and state-owned companies, to promote the principles of healthy competition and labor productivity growth.
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For citations:
Smagulova Sh.A. Diversification of the economy of Kazakhstan as a priority of industrial development in post-pandemic conditions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(4):120-126. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2021-1-4-120-126