Influence of the pandemic on international tourism
The beginning of the global Covid–19 crisis in the world had a negative impact on the economies of various regions and countries, including the development of tourism as a separate branch of the national economy. International tourism experienced a serious downturn in 2020 and early 2021: due to the pandemic and lockdowns, the number of tourists dropped to 98 percent. The article analyzes the level of decline in global tourism, emerging around the world due to the Covid-19 crisis. In the course of the analysis, the author considers vulnerable areas of international tourism on the example of several associated groups. The analysis of the current state and development of international tourism used the method of partial abstraction to collect information and effectively search, group, process and summarize the necessary material. The study of the dynamics of three different economic indicators of the regions of Africa, America, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East using a comparative method, including the direct impact of tourism on GDP, exports and international tourism, allows to establish causal relationships and identify and mitigate the problems of international tourism. In particular, it is known that vaccination is a relevant mechanism for solving the emerging underlying problems.
About the Authors
R. M. RakhimbayevaKazakhstan
senior lecturer, m.e.s.
M. K. Tuleubayeva
с.e.s., assistant professor
K. Zh. Beldibayeva
senior lecturer, m.e.s.
G. U. Makenova
senior lecturer
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For citations:
Rakhimbayeva R.M., Tuleubayeva M.K., Beldibayeva K.Zh., Makenova G.U. Influence of the pandemic on international tourism. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(4):170-177. (In Kazakh)