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Quality management systems of higher education (based on the example of the USA, Greatbritain, Norway and Finland)


At the present stage, Kazakhstan is in new socio-political, economic and international conditions caused by growing globalization. This determines, on the one hand, a significant impact on the development of the education system of Kazakhstan of world educational trends, on the other hand, the market nature of the national economy determines the inevitability of the impact of education in general, and educational services, in particular, on the country's economy and its development through the capitalization of knowledge. Currently, Kazakhstan's universities are developing in accordance with the trends that have developed in the world and domestic economy, among which globalization stands out. The modern Kazakh higher education is characterized by the desire to integrate into the world educational space. The purpose of this article is to study the international experience in managing the quality of higher education on the example of some European countries and the United States of America. The modern two models of quality management of higher education in the global educational space are characterized and the model of assessing the quality of higher education in Kazakhstan is determined. The article analyzes the Kazakh legislation in the field of state control and assessment of the quality of higher education. The best approaches to assessing the quality of higher education for the Kazakh higher education system have been identified, following the example of the foreign countries under consideration. To write the article such methods of research as analysis of legal acts and documents, case study, deduction and generalization were used.

About the Author

Sh. K. Suleimenova
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

PhD student



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For citations:

Suleimenova Sh.K. Quality management systems of higher education (based on the example of the USA, Greatbritain, Norway and Finland). Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(4):216-223. (In Kazakh)

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