Den (din ) – spiritual divergence of the prayers of the ancient akyns and the teachings of Zarathushtra
The purpose of the study is to consider the problem of the spiritual divergence of the prayers of the ancient Akyns and the teachings of Zarathustra. The words «den koyu» – «pay attention to someone, something»; «den koyyp tyndau» – «listen carefully, make sure of something» can mean as a call to listeners to carefully delve into the text of prayers, listen and make sure of the arguments and messages of the prayer appeal. There was a long-term struggle for their understanding, perhaps there were also supporters of the new teaching, new prayers. The reflection of customs, everyday life, rituals, as well as natural events, including cataclysms in legends, prayers in one form or another were a kind of translation of the accumulated experience, the transmission of what they saw to the next generations. Zarathustra initially presents himself as a preacher of the prayers of Akhuna Bairi and, his ascetic, brings to the people the chants of Bayyr akyn, who eventually transformed from Bayyri Akhun into the most ancient, Bayyrgy Akyn. During the evolutionary reinterpretation of prayers, Zarathustra went through a stage of transformation, rebirth from a violent preacher into a fierce reformer who opposed the traditionalists – supporters of the prayers of the ancient Akyns. Zarathustra's departure from the established foundations was considered by his countrymen as a betrayal of ancient prayers. The article examines the question: what did he say to his people, that they did not understand him.
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For citations:
Alshanov R.A. Den (din ) – spiritual divergence of the prayers of the ancient akyns and the teachings of Zarathushtra. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2021;(4):224-232. (In Russ.)