Evaluation of innovative development of transit economies: the example of Kazakhstan
Integration of Kazakhstan into world economic processes presupposes activation of innovation policy. The purpose of the article is to investigate the current problems of the country’s innovative development over the years of new industrialization, with an emphasis on the key role of the state in their regulation. The generalized results of the country’s innovative development made it possible to identify the main reasons that hinder the progressive innovation movement. The article shows that since a feature of the economy of Kazakhstan is a high level of technological heterogeneity, the new industrialization was designed to eliminate the technological backwardness of industries, to create new points of innovative growth. The authors come to the conclusion that for a technological and product breakthrough, for reaching radical innovations, enterprises need to learn how to build cooperative ties and strategic alliances between large entities with the participation of research organizations, small and medium-sized businesses. The role of the state in enhancing innovation policy in the medium term is shown, with an emphasis on mechanisms and tools that stimulate innovation activities of enterprises, promotion of state and corporate innovations.
About the Authors
G. M. AubakirovaKazakhstan
d.e.s., professor
F. M. Isataeva
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For citations:
Aubakirova G.M., Isataeva F.M. Evaluation of innovative development of transit economies: the example of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):28-35. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2022-1-1-28-35