State and prospects of agricultural cooperation development in Kazakhstan
The purpose of the work is to analyze the state of agricultural cooperation in the country, determine its potential, development directions, the role of Kazakhstan in ensuring food security. Today, agriculture, which contributes to improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan, has a great future. The development of the country’s agriculture with the attraction of foreign investment will be achieved through the creation of cooperatives. From this point of view, it requires intensive involvement of farmers and entrepreneurs in this area, providing financial and material assistance, and infrastructural development of rural areas. The article considers the state of agricultural cooperation, which is able to ensure the stabilization of agricultural production in modern conditions and is a priority form of ensuring the food security of the country. In order to provide a comprehensive solution to the problems of the country’s economy, the introduction of an agricultural cooperative for consumer supply and marketing, the creation of agricultural cooperatives focused on export activities is proposed as a mechanism for the integrated development of rural areas. Recommendations for solving the problems of agricultural cooperation development and its further development are given.
About the Authors
N. E. DabyltayevaKazakhstan
c.e.s., associate professor deputy
А. Nurtayeva
master of economic sciences
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For citations:
Dabyltayeva N.E., Nurtayeva А. State and prospects of agricultural cooperation development in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):36-41. (In Kazakh)