Social protection of youth in the conditions of COVID–19
This article examines the foreign countries experience of the population’s social protection during the COVID–19 pandemic, including state social protection of youth. In the context of the pandemic, an online survey was conducted among the youth of Kazakhstan and it was found out how COVID–19 affected youth employment. One of the main objectives of the ongoing social policy in Kazakhstan is to improve the policy of social protection on the principle of a differentiated approach to a certain category of the population, including youth. Social protection of the population is becoming increasingly relevant during a pandemic.The key purpose of the article is to consider the main elements of social protection of youth in foreign practice and to give recommendations on social protection of youth in Kazakhstan by the state by analyzing the main results online survey of youth of Kazakhstan.During the study, methods of scientific generalization and comparative analysis were used. Social protection by the state during the COVID–19 pandemic should be in the form of three blocks (subsystems), namely: social protection of working, that is, employed youth; social protection of citizens with disabilities, as well as socially vulnerable segments of the population, including unemployed youth; social protection of youth in the socio-cultural sphere.
About the Authors
R. К. SabirovaKazakhstan
с.e.s., аssociate рrofessor
К. К. Khassenova
с.e.s., senior lecturer
A. I. Zinullina
мaster, lecturer
А. N. Saparova
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For citations:
Sabirova R.К., Khassenova К.К., Zinullina A.I., Saparova А.N. Social protection of youth in the conditions of COVID–19. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):82-91. (In Kazakh)