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Assessment of the living standard of the population of the Kazakhstan regions


The purpose of this article is to analyze and give a comprehensive assessment of the standard of living of the population in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The concept of “human development” was introduced by UNDP in 1990 in the Human Development Report. The concept of human development is focused on people and proclaims the main and only goal to ensure human well-being. This presupposes the creation of a favorable political, economic, social and ecological environment that would allow people to live a healthy and constructive life for a sufficiently long time. Almost simultaneously with the emergence of this concept, the problem of quantifying the improvement in the lives of people around the world arose. Human development is an abstract concept. In order to measure it (to determine the level, dynamics, direction of changes), a system of indicators is needed that characterizes certain aspects of human development.In this article, based on the methodology proposed by the authors, an integral assessment of the standard of living of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan is given in the context of the regions. A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the living standards of the population can serve as the basis for the development and improvement of the social sphere, an instrument of effective socio-economic policy, which is confirmed by the experience of the results of industrialized countries in solving the problems of economic development.

About the Authors

A. K. Saurukova
Kazakh Academy of Labor and Soсial Relations



O. K. Denissova
D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan Technical University

c.e.s., associate professor


A. М. Kabdulsharipova
D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan Technical University




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For citations:

Saurukova A.K., Denissova O.K., Kabdulsharipova A.М. Assessment of the living standard of the population of the Kazakhstan regions. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):92-102.

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