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Is there any need for gender oriented employment policy for the elderly?


This research focused on clarifying the concepts of elderly people and employment because the population is aging and older ones are mainly affected by pandemics. It requires more detail analysis in order to understand the barriers and challenges that face the elderly people during employment processes especially during pandemics. Therefore, authors tried to be concentrated on key problems of elderly employment and analyze the peculiarities such as gender imbalance. Moreover, this study has described the gender impact of COVID–19 on elderly employment worldwide and Kazakhstan. According to results, authors identified the female predominance over men before and after pandemics especially in Kazakhstan. In addition, this research has used the results of different reports developed for Kazakhstan in order to make fully analysis including our mentality and other factors that may affect to the elderly employment. The revealed women prevalence led the authors to such conclusions as developing the gender oriented employment policy for elderly people taking into account foreign experience. For example, organizing part time jobs or stimulating women in one time jobs, budget allocation for retraining elderly people after retirement, or subsidize the hiring of older workers. In addition, it may be presented as the formation of age-mixed work groups in which older workers could further transfer their experience and competencies; or in the reform of the organization of labor, in which there will be a redistribution of workloads.

About the Authors

A. K. Izekenova
University of International Business

PhD, associate professor


А. T. Rakhmatullina
University of International Business


A. K. Izekenova
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

PhD, associate professor


А. S. Tolegenova
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

Master in public health



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For citations:

Izekenova A.K., Rakhmatullina А.T., Izekenova A.K., Tolegenova А.S. Is there any need for gender oriented employment policy for the elderly? Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):103-111.

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