Assessment of the state regulation system of employment processes in Kazakhstan
This article analyzes the employment indicators of the population of Kazakhstan for 2015–2021 and assesses programs and other government measures taken to reduce the unemployment rate in the country. The system of state support aimed at ensuring employment of the population and solving the problems of unemployment that arose as a result of the socio-economic crisis associated with the global coronavirus pandemic COVID–19 is also characterized. The article also provides an overview of the level of development of unemployment in various countries of the world, which is a problem not only of one state, but a cause of concern for world communities, and the degree of research on these issues. In addition, the authors analyzed and assessed the dynamics of changes in the number of employed population in the sectors of the country’s economy and discussed the main priorities of the state policy aimed at optimizing the labor market and providing the population with productive employment
About the Authors
G. Zh. DoskeyevaKazakhstan
d.e.s., professor
K. А. Baitalassova
PhD student
A. Y. Abisheva
PhD student
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For citations:
Doskeyeva G.Zh., Baitalassova K.А., Abisheva A.Y. Assessment of the state regulation system of employment processes in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):112-118. (In Kazakh)