
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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Formation and development of innovative ecosystem


This article says that in the conditions of globalization and increased competition, effective development is not possible without the development and implementation of high-tech industries, which are based on the use of scientific and technological achievements, factors such as innovation, intellectual capital, which, in turn, is largely determined by the level of the innovation ecosystem. The possibilities of the economy that become available as a result of the development of the innovation ecosystem are revealed. This article shows the unity and difference of such categories as entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystems, the need for the integrated development of these ecosystems and the conditions under which their effective development takes place. The role of universities in the formation and development of the innovation ecosystem is also touched upon, and the algorithmic chain of formation of relations in the innovation ecosystem is shown, and five scalable levels of the innovation ecosystem and their expected consequences are proposed. The conclusion is made about the multidimensional nature of the innovation ecosystem and the need to use an integrated approach in solving the problem of the development of the innovation ecosystem.

About the Authors

N. A. Ainakul
Turan University

PhD student


S. K. Nurymova
Institute of economics

PhD student


A. T. Beknazarova
Turan University

c.e.s., associate professor



1. Jackson D.J. (2011) What is an Innovation Ecosystem? National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, URL:

2. Isenberg D. (2011) The Entrepreneurship Ecosistem Strategy as a New Paradigm for Economic Policy: Principles for Cultivating Entrepreneurship. Babson Entrepreneurship Ecosistem Project. Dublin, from Danlsenberg, . URL:

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5. Adner R. (2006) Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem // Harvard Business Review. Vol. 84. No. 4. P. 98–107.


For citations:

Ainakul N.A., Nurymova S.K., Beknazarova A.T. Formation and development of innovative ecosystem. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):192-199. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)