Non-standard forms of employment: world experience, problems and prospects
The purpose of the study is to study the world experience in determining non-standard forms of employment to identify new forms of employment in Kazakhstan. The article identifies the specifics, trends and patterns of development of the labor market of Kazakhstan; identifies the problems that exist in the labor market; developed recommendationsforthe regulation ofthe self-employed population.In many countries, the labor market is undergoing structural changes, and new forms of organization of labor activity and employment coexist with traditional forms of employment. New forms of employment first appeared in high-income countries, but have now spread to developing countries. New forms of employment are a reflection of the high development of the economy and, consequently, of the high incomes of citizens living in these countries. However, it is possible to identify the spread of new forms of employment in developing countries. The analysis of scientific publications on non-standard forms of employment allowed us to conclude that the issue of labor market flexibility is still debatable. In this regard, we will try to identify the key trajectories for the formation of new forms of employment in the country. For this purpose we have analyzed the forms of employment on the example of foreign countries, using the data of the International Labor Organization (ILO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Eurofund and the National Statistics Bureau of Kazakhstan. We also tried to demonstrate the growing need to define the role of freelancers in the domestic labor market, the application of new methods in the implementation of their activities through digital labor platforms. They outlined a number of conceptual and measurement problems, one of which is the work of freelancers through digital labor platforms.
About the Authors
Ye. B. AimagambetovKazakhstan
d.e.s., professor
А. М. Tazhibaeva
PhD student
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For citations:
Aimagambetov Ye.B., Tazhibaeva А.М. Non-standard forms of employment: world experience, problems and prospects. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):227-237. (In Kazakh)