Development of “applied bachelor” programs as an approach to solving the issue of youth employment (NEET)
The authors in their article aim to consider the development of the educational model of “applied bachelor degree”, which requires further development, as a new approach to solving the issue of youth employment, both in foreign countries and in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Existing concepts and experience of the implementation of the dual education system in different countries were considered. The existing model for training specialists of “applied bachelor” in the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered in detail too. A detailed theoretical analysis was carried out, which showed the strengths and weaknesses of educational programs. In their work, the authors used legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education. In addition, the authors made a quantitative analysis of the register of educational programs of NJSC “Talap”, according to the registered “applied bachelor” programs. During the implementation of the model shortcomings in the interaction between stakeholders, educational structures and enterprises were identified. As a result of the analysis further ways of improving the system of dual education at the level of “applied bachelor” in the Republic of Kazakhstan were identified, systematized and recommended. Further implementation and widespread use of the dual education system can help in the further development of professional and post-secondary education in the framework of training in the specialty “applied bachelor” in various sectors of the country’s economy. The implementation of the proposed concept will make it possible to level the existing unemployment among young people of the NEET generation.
About the Authors
N. А. IbadildinKazakhstan
Y. E. Artykbaeva
PhD student
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For citations:
Ibadildin N.А., Artykbaeva Y.E. Development of “applied bachelor” programs as an approach to solving the issue of youth employment (NEET). Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(1):322-330. (In Russ.)