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Implementation of foreign experience on effective management of urbanization processes in Kazakhstan


The article is devoted to the study of modern trends in the process of urbanization management in developed countries and the development of recommendations on the application of management tools to the acceptable realities of Kazakhstan. The administrative processes of urbanization of the countries of Poland, India, China, Latin America, etc. were interesting and priority objects of research. The work was written on the basis of studying the development of cities and generalizing all the emerging connections as a single system. The information base of the study was the works of well-known foreign and domestic scientists on the topic of urbanization, as well as statistical materials and ratings of the countries of the world on the level of urbanization of the UN.A distinctive aspect of the study is the analysis of urbanization management in the countries of Poland, India, China, Latin America in relation to specific problems. The article gives the basic characteristics of the urbanization process in Kazakhstan, identifies the distinctive features and factors constraining the effectiveness of urban development management based on the works of Kazakhstani scientists and economists, which identified a number of key problems of the urbanization management process in our country.The results of the study are of a recommendatory nature, determining priority approaches to using foreign experience and adapting it to the realities of the Kazakh model, which can be considered when implementing urban development management programs by authorized bodies.

About the Authors

L. M. Bekenova
Almaty Humanitarian-Economic University

c.e.s., associate professor


V. A. Korvyakov
Almaty Humanitarian-Economic University

d.p.s., professor


S. Dyrka
Verhnesilezsks University of Economics named after V. Korfanty

d.e.s., professor



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For citations:

Bekenova L.M., Korvyakov V.A., Dyrka S. Implementation of foreign experience on effective management of urbanization processes in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(2):18-28.

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