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Digitalization strategy in sports and active types of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The purpose of the article is to consider the issue of digitalization strategy in the sphere of sports and active tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In developing countries there is a low efficiency of management of the industry of sport and physical culture. This industry has a low level of communication with the population and weak promotion of a sports lifestyle. In these republics the level of development of IT-technology and communications are poorly used the possibilities of digitalization and social networks for the active promotion of mass sports, active types of tourism and the formation of a sports lifestyle among young people and the population of the country. At the same time, communication, if it is mass, but impersonal, not personalized. In many developing countries there is a shortage of modern and diverse methodological materials, modern training programs and accumulated international experience, and as a consequence there is a shortage of highly qualified coaches and methodologists. According to the authors, the solution to the existing problem lies in the development of digitalization of sports, physical culture and sports and health tourism, as artificial intelligence allows technology to bring real benefits in all sectors of the economy, improves the quality of life of the population, and creates conditions for the transition of the economy to a fundamentally new trajectory. With the help of digital technology it is possible to popularize sports, because this is the age of information space, and therefore the digital PR, meeting the demands of the modern advanced and progressive generation. By covering sporting events, conducting online training sessions and consulting professional coaches through the World Wide Web, it is possible to promote sports and physical culture for the benefit of the Kazakhstani nation in the most effective way.

About the Authors

Ye. V. Tyo
Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan

MSc, PhD student


Ye. S. Nikitinsky
Turan-Astana University

d.p.s., professor



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For citations:

Tyo Ye.V., Nikitinsky Ye.S. Digitalization strategy in sports and active types of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(2):202-210.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)