Analysis of the state of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan
The purpose of this article is to review and analyze the dynamics of the state of employment of the population and an overview of key indicators of employment and unemployment, the growing level of mismatch between supply and demand in the labor market over the past few years. In the process of considering the features of the labor market, the specifics, trends and patterns inherent in the labor market are indicated. Assessing the state of the labor market in modern conditions, it can be noted that the carrier of labor relations in society is the active part of the population, and therefore, the real value is the state and availability of resources for labor activity as a factor shaping the labor market. The main difference of the labor market in Kazakhstan is the high level of hidden unemployment, which, on the one hand, is a reserve for the expansion of production, and on the other hand, can become an important factor in the destabilization of social relations with the deterioration of the economic situation. The modern labor market is characterized by the presence of certain problems, among which it is necessary to note the discrepancy between the personnel needs of employers and the professional competencies of people who submit their candidacy for consideration. Employment and unemployment indicators in terms of gender are also characterized by features that arise from various factors. In this regard, the urgency of finding ways to smooth out inconsistencies and contradictions between the supply of labor and the demand for it is growing.
About the Authors
K. Y. IzguttiyevaKazakhstan
PhD student
A. A. Mukhamejanova
M. A. Mukanova
master, lecturer
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For citations:
Izguttiyeva K.Y., Mukhamejanova A.A., Mukanova M.A. Analysis of the state of the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(2):237-245.