Networking as a new type of partnership in education and science
The transition from an industrial to a post-industrial society is determined, first of all, by building an open society, which puts the ideas of rationalism, freedom of innovation, and the promotion of ideas at the forefront. An open society gives rise to open structures, including in higher education. Universities, as platforms for collective creativity, learning, innovation, are opening to meet social needs, work to transform the economy in particular and society as a whole. These are no longer just universities with an established network of connections and strong international relations; they are already hubs that implement networking, which allows different participants to create new educational and scientific products through cooperation, exchange of resources and experience. This article analyzes the world experience in building educational hubs, highlights the main elements of their architecture. Based on the experience of the D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, the assumption proved that the transformation of a university into a hub is a natural step for organizations that have public recognition, strong science, and innovative educational projects. The methodology for creating a network format for the life of the university is described in detail, the process of developing common universal approaches to the implementation of the network interaction of the university in the educational and scientific fields is characterized, and the concept and model of the hub chosen by the university is substantiated. The format of network interaction of EKTU allows successfully implementing projects in the educational, research, and production areas.
About the Authors
Zh. K. ShaimardanovKazakhstan
d.b.s., professor
S. Zh. Rakhmetullina
c.t.s., associate professor
T. A. Segeda
K. M. Daniyarova
specialist of international cooperation office
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For citations:
Shaimardanov Zh.K., Rakhmetullina S.Zh., Segeda T.A., Daniyarova K.M. Networking as a new type of partnership in education and science. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(2):323-332. (In Russ.)