International experience of human capital management in higher educational institutions: the american model
The issues of training qualified specialists have become especially relevant in recent years, since the requirements imposed on higher educational institutions have increased significantly due to recent trends in the world. Universities today are not just knowledge transfer centers, but they are increasingly involved in social issues. Higher educational institutions have a direct impact on raising the standard of living, improving material well-being, career prospects, and the economic growth and prosperity of the state. Higher educational institutions play a key role in the formation, development of human capital, which is the main basic value of any economy, and especially an innovative economy. The purpose of this article is to study the foreign experience of formation and development of human capital, to identify the main trends, to study statistical data on the example of universities in the United States. The choice of American universities was conditioned by a number of factors, namely by the fact that the majority of American universities occupy leading positions in the world rankings. The main input data were the materials presented in the annual reports of the U.S. Department of Education, scientific journals. The authors provide an overview of statistical data on such indicators as the number of startups launched by students and faculty, their success in the market, and the scope of their activities. The conclusions offered in the article on the peculiarities of human capital management in higher educational institutions based on the analysis of the American higher education system can have a positive impact on the development of other higher education systems.
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For citations:
Zhakhanova Z.R. International experience of human capital management in higher educational institutions: the american model. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(2):333-340.