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Enigma of Sirius B: searching for real answers


There is a hot discussion about the possibility of the explosion of Sirius B as a supernova in science. Astrophysicists' opinions on the possibility of supernova explosions at Sirius B during the last 50 thousand years are various. Some believe that such a thing is impossible, others point out that there is no explainable answer. Others are philosophically perplexed: “everything is possible in the cosmos”. The purpose of this article is to analyze the batch of coincidences of cataclysms, which make up the content of terrestrial catastrophes in the period from 50 thousand years ago to 5 thousand years ago. Grouping of these extraordinary events reveals at least 9 temporal coincidences, which are not random. Sequence of cataclysms shows their definite interrelation. The main question is about their source. Scientists have established that only supernova explosions can be the cause. However, so far it is not possible to identify which of 231 near-Earth supernovae may be the direct source. The question about the nature of the shock wave remains debatable. The nature and peculiarities of the collisions are not fully determined. Summarizing the conducted studies, the author proposes to continue the search for both cosmic causes and traces on the Earth. These studies should be comprehensive and systematic.

About the Author

R. A. Alshanov
Turan University

d.e.s., professor



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For citations:

Alshanov R.A. Enigma of Sirius B: searching for real answers. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(2):347-356. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)