Modern interaction between the state and the population in the implementation of housing loans
At the present stage of development, the issue of housing is facing the population of the country and it can be observed that not everyone can afford to buy it. Therefore, the interaction of the state and the population in the implementation of housing loans is becoming especially relevant today. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the interaction of the state and the population in the implementation of housing loans. The main scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the authors assessed the interaction of the state and the population in the implementation of housing lending at the present stage of development. The methodological basis for the implementation of new forms of housing lending can serve as a theoretical and practical study of the basic principles of housing lending, foreign experience in this field of practice and its adaptation to modern events. As part of the work, it was revealed that in recent years the rate of increase in the issuance of housing loans has increased significantly in Kazakhstan, the growth of which was influenced by state housing lending programs and the ability to apply excess pension savings to obtain, repay mortgages and improve the living conditions of citizens. The authors also analyzed such a program as the housing and communal development program “Nurly Zher” revised for 2020– 2025. Special attention was paid to the housing lending program – “7-20-25” and “Baspana Hit”. The results of the conducted research make a certain contribution to the development of housing lending, can be used to prepare lectures on relevant disciplines, and be the basis for further in-depth research.
About the Authors
Sh. Е. AlpeissovaKazakhstan
c.e.s., acting associate professor
Zh. S. Bulkhairova
corresponding author, PhD, associate professor
G. A. Saimagambetova
c.e.s., associate professor
Sh. I. Kossymbayeva
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For citations:
Alpeissova Sh.Е., Bulkhairova Zh.S., Saimagambetova G.A., Kossymbayeva Sh.I. Modern interaction between the state and the population in the implementation of housing loans. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(4):89-101. (In Russ.)