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Tourism innovations: meaning, forms and level of responsibility for implementation


The priority of development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan is justified by the need to diversify the structure of the national economy and move away from its raw-material orientation. The development of inbound tourism should contribute to the growth of foreign exchange earnings, and domestic tourism - to ensure the availability of recreation for Kazakhstanis. Events of the last two years (COVID-19 pandemic, complication of the geopolitical situation in the Eurasian region) demonstrate the need for increased attention to domestic tourism. Successful development of Kazakhstani tourism is largely determined by the level of services provided. Unfortunately, today it is absolutely impossible to assert that the Kazakhstan tourist market is adequate to all innovations of the industry known in the modern world. Successful realization of innovation policy in the industry is largely determined by the level of knowledge of existing innovations and their varieties. Besides, efficiency of the undertaken actions can be provided only at correct delegation of functional responsibility and powers to stakeholders. Therefore, this article aims to build the author's model of tourist innovations implementation with indication of levels of responsibility of actors in the tourism industry for implementation of innovations in various spheres of activity. The proposed model is applicable in the design of development strategies for the tourism industry. When writing the article the methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, comparative analysis, as well as the method of visualization were used. The results of the study will complement the scientific foundations of the theory of innovation in tourism and may be of interest in the development of regional and national programs for tourism development.

About the Authors

А. Т. Tleuberdinova
Institute of Economics SC of the MSHE

d.e.s. leading researcher


Tanja Mihalič
University of Ljubljana

PhD, professor


B. Т. Kalmenov
Institute of Economics SC of the MSHE

PhD student



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For citations:

Tleuberdinova А.Т., Mihalič T., Kalmenov B.Т. Tourism innovations: meaning, forms and level of responsibility for implementation. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(4):154-167. (In Russ.)

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