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Comprehensive analysis of the state of the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan


In the modern world, the importance of the transport industry in the economy of each state is increasing. Transport is an important sector of the domestic economy of Kazakhstan, which occupies a significant share in the structure of GDP. The significant territory of the republic and the low population density, the high rate of economic development of Kazakhstan achieved in recent years, form the growing demand for transportation. The state of the transport complex in Kazakhstan is in the zone of special attention of domestic and foreign experts, they have identified its main disadvantages. The article discusses the rationale for the role of transport infrastructure in the development of the territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the ways of its development. The study used such research methods as generalization, comparison, systematization and statistical analysis.Within the framework of the work, the role and importance of transport infrastructure were determined, the impact of transport infrastructure development on the country's economy was considered, transit opportunities in the republic were considered, the advantages and disadvantages of Kazakhstan's transport infrastructure were analyzed, transport infrastructure issues and ways to solve it were considered. The issues related to the quality of road repairs and vehicle upgrades in the republic are identified by providing the transport complex with qualified personnel and scientific institutions of the transport profile. As a result of the conducted research, it was proposed to develop international cooperation in the field of transport, that is, to introduce new equipment and technologies, international experience into the country, as well as to attract public and private investments for the implementation of projects provided for by state programs aimed at the development and improvement of infrastructure, construction of new transport facilities and repair of existing transport networks. The results of the research contribute to the development of the theory of transport infrastructure and can be used to prepare lectures on relevant disciplines, as well as serve as a basis for in-depth research.

About the Authors

G. T. Samiyeva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

PhD student


Y. K. Moldakenova
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University



Zh. S. Utegenova
Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov




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For citations:

Samiyeva G.T., Moldakenova Y.K., Utegenova Zh.S. Comprehensive analysis of the state of the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(4):262-274. (In Kazakh)

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