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Analysis of reforming the national payment system of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article deals with theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of risk assessment of the national payment system. A comparative analysis of world models for assessing the risks of payment systems is presented. Due to the growth of market infrastructure around the world, technological changes and the development of the global and national regulatory environment, an increase in production volumes and, accordingly, an increase in the number of operations of business entities, including individuals and enterprises in the field of material production, as well as in In the field of financial services, the development of technologies requires the constant development and adaptation of national payment systems to the challenges of the market and the need to transform them into more modern and convenient services that meet the requirements of the market. the demands of his time.The presence of a payment system that meets the needs of the state, the financial market, individuals and legal entities in the safe and prompt transfer of funds is an important element of the national infrastructure of any developed country. At all times, timely reforms in this area were required to meet the new requirements for the organization, regulation and market demand of payment systems. Over the years, payment systems have undergone a number of significant changes due to the emergence of new payment methods, platforms and interfaces. This is due to the rapid development in the field of information and communication technologies.Until recently, the creation and development of services that allow making payments in the retail segment was entrusted to the banking community, including servicing the operations of retail customers.However, in recent years, due to the need to organize interbank services for fast, guaranteed and cheap payments, more and more central banks are introducing their own payment systems for interbank retail payments.

About the Authors

A. B. Amangozhaeva
Turan University

m.e.s., PhD student


M. A. Markelova
Turan University

M.E., senior lecturer


D. T. Dzharikbaeva
Turan University

PhD, associate professor



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For citations:

Amangozhaeva A.B., Markelova M.A., Dzharikbaeva D.T. Analysis of reforming the national payment system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(4):275-287. (In Russ.)

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