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Promotion of educational services of the university in the conditions of digitalization


In modern conditions of constant competition, Kazakh universities use various channels to promote educational services. These are both offline and online marketing promotion channels. And if traditional promotion channels are well studied and understood, then digital channels require elaboration and increase in the efficiency of their use. Internet is the main source of information for young people. Internet promotion of educational services is becoming a leading area of marketing at any level and consumer segment. This process also affected universities. Kazakh universities do not adequately use digital marketing to promote educational services. The transformation of the use of information transmission channels requires a change in approaches to the promotion of educational services.The purpose of the article is to develop an algorithm for online promotion of educational services based on the analysis of digital promotion methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis, method of system analysis, retrospective analysis of literature, web analytics, comparative analysis, analysis of statistical data, non-formalized analysis of documents were used. resource was used as a tool for analysis. A comparative analysis of network traffic and actions of clients and competitors of the websites of the leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out. Based on the analysis, conclusions were drawn about the underutilization of traffic sources to the site. An algorithm for online promotion of educational services has been developed. Conclusions are drawn about the need for retargeting to promote the educational services of the university and the integrated use of traditional and digital marketing to ensure and increase the competitiveness of the university. The results of the study can be used by educational institutions when developing a marketing strategy for promoting educational services.

About the Authors

V. R. Zarubina
M. Dulatov Kostanay University of Engineering and Economics

c.e.s., professor


M. Y. Zarubin
M. Dulatov Kostanay University of Engineering and Economics

c.t.s., professor


E. V. Vasilchuk
Kostanay Regional University named after. A. Baitursynov




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For citations:

Zarubina V.R., Zarubin M.Y., Vasilchuk E.V. Promotion of educational services of the university in the conditions of digitalization. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2022;(4):300-310. (In Russ.)

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