Main problems of food processing enterprises and ways to solve them
The stability and security of the food system directly affects the socio-economic factors necessary for the survival of people. The purpose of the study is to provide the main mechanisms for its development and effective organization, conducting a scientific study of current problems in food processing enterprises of Kazakhstan. In order to analyze the current state of development of processing enterprises in the country applied the methods of statistical and economic, analytical, comparative analysis. To summarize the result obtained, systematic, monographic, and constructivist approaches were used. The article analyzes the prices of socially important food products in Kazakhstan for 2016– 2022, by socially important types of products for 2016–2022. The differences between the volume of production per capita and the rate of food consumption per capita have been studied. In addition, possible ways of solving the problem of food security of the country in the coming years are considered. In order to adequately provide the population with socially important types of food, it is important to strengthen the work of processing enterprises with the support of the state, taking into account the level of specialization of the regions. This proposal will simultaneously solve several problems in the country: a unique tool in improving the quality of products and the formation of price stability, increasing the share of domestic products on the domestic market, increasing export potential, creating a stable source of income for the rural population, an effective way to market products at favorable prices for farmers and small farms, the effective use of science and technology for agricultural specialists, high possibility of linking production.
About the Authors
O. A. AlipbekiKazakhstan
d.b.s., professor.
D. Zhenshan
c.e.s., associate professor.
R. T. Turekeldieva
c.b.s., associate professor.
T. E. Karbozov
c.e.s., associate professor.
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For citations:
Alipbeki O.A., Zhenshan D., Turekeldieva R.T., Karbozov T.E. Main problems of food processing enterprises and ways to solve them. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(1):24-35. (In Kazakh)