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Food security management in Kazakhstan in the context of a pandemic


In general, economic security means high-quality satisfaction of the needs of the population in the nature of the national economy. Today, one of the priority issues for environmental reasons, etc., can be called food security. That is, physiologically complete coverage of the population with food determines its activity during the life period. At the same time, it shows the political independence of the state in ensuring economic stability. Therefore, if no state strives for a high-quality full provision of food security for its people, it is impossible to talk about other security considerations, that is, political, economic, national security. The issues of food security of the state are the main conditions for ensuring the general security of the population. In this context, the state is implementing plans to ensure food security, increase food security indicators, reduce the costs of the population for food products and provide consumers with safe products. This article analyzes the factors affecting the state of economic and food security of the country that have occurred in the world. The main threats to economic security have had a significant impact on the Republic of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that any of these security measures requires a fundamental analysis of the relevant conceptual proposals and the development of measures related to the state and business. Therefore, the purpose of the article is a comprehensive discussion of economic and food security issues and summing up. Based on the study of the state, the state of food security, economic, analytical, statistical methods focused on a systemic orientation were used. The findings of the study can be used for the social and economic development of the country, in measures to combat the pandemic.

About the Authors

A. N. Zhanbyrbayeva
Narxoz University



B. S. Saubetov
Yessenov University

c.e.s., associate professor.


G. О. Baidauletova
M. Auyezov South Kazakhsatn University



M. B. Chemirbayeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Russian Federation

Master, senior lecturer.



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For citations:

Zhanbyrbayeva A.N., Saubetov B.S., Baidauletova G.О., Chemirbayeva M.B. Food security management in Kazakhstan in the context of a pandemic. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(1):76-89. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
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