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Problems of business models functioning and trends in the development of youth tourism in Kazakhstan: expert survey


The relevance of the study arises from the need to reconsider the role and importance of youth in the conditions of a constant increase in the volume of international tourist flows; the need for the formation of innovative forms of tourism entrepreneurship; the insufficient research to determine the effectiveness of the business models of Kazakhstan’s tourism enterprises. The aim of the study is to identify the problems of functioning of the current business models of tour operators and travel agencies, as well as to study the trends in the development of youth tourism in Kazakhstan. The general scientific methods were used, including the descriptive method, methods of analysis, and the method of interviewing experts, generalization and structuring. The article identifies the most characteristic business models used in the Kazakhstan tourism industry, including in the framework of the implementation of services in the field of youth tourism; identifying factors that hinder the successful operation of business models in the country’s tourism market, as well as barriers to the development of youth tourism. Promising areas of youth tourism and innovative forms of business models are also proposed: B2B startups; development of niche types of tourism; crowdfunding and crowdsourcing; shared ownership; integration model; selling tours through social networks; specialization in developing customized products. This study may be useful for tour operators, travel agencies, accommodation and catering facilities, and other organizations interested in youth tourism development for effective planning and organization their activities.

About the Authors

L. V. Tashenova
Karaganda Buketov University

c.e.s., associate professor.


D. G. Mamrayeva
Karaganda Buketov University

c.e.s., associate professor.


Z. N. Borbasova
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

d.e.s., professor.


M. P. Ayaganova
Karaganda Buketov University

PhD, associate professor.



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For citations:

Tashenova L.V., Mamrayeva D.G., Borbasova Z.N., Ayaganova M.P. Problems of business models functioning and trends in the development of youth tourism in Kazakhstan: expert survey. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(1):145-156. (In Russ.)

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