Analysis of the impact of the coronovarus pandemic on the agricultural industry of the East Kazakhstan region and its innovative potential
The crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus in the world has led to global changes in almost all spheres of human activity, including food production and agriculture. This article analyzes the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic on the level of development of agricultural enterprises in the East Kazakhstan region. Particular attention is paid to the level of change in the production of major food products in kind and in money terms for the last 11 and 12 months of this year compared to the same period last year. It was revealed that the impact of the coronary crisis on the agrarian industry led to some decrease, but this impact was small, and there was even an improvement in some types of products. There is a high increase in food prices, the reason for which is both the increase in costs of enterprises and the changes that occurred in the consumer market, which are associated with the transformation of customer preferences and the psychology of food purchases. The article also pointed out various opportunities for the use of innovation potential and digital technologies in the agricultural sector, which emerged during the crisis, and gave their predictive assessment. There is a high increase in food prices, the cause of which is both an increase in the costs of enterprises and changes in the consumer market. which are associated with the transformation of customer preferences and the psychology of product purchases. The article also identified various opportunities for using innovative potential and digital technologies in the agricultural sector that arose during the crisis and gave them a predictive assessment.
About the Authors
D. O. KaldybaevaKazakhstan
PhD student.
Ye. K. Moldakenova
PhD, assistant professor.
Zh. S. Utegenova
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For citations:
Kaldybaeva D.O., Moldakenova Ye.K., Utegenova Zh.S. Analysis of the impact of the coronovarus pandemic on the agricultural industry of the East Kazakhstan region and its innovative potential. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(1):184-195. (In Russ.)