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Role of civil servants in the process of forming the image of the state apparatus


Civil servants are the main social link of public administration, fulfilling the regulatory requirements of the department, which should be based on the will of the country’s top leadership, the interests and needs of the population. The activities of civil servants are also included in the regulation of public life, in this regard, the performance of public duties imposes strict requirements on each civil servant, which must be fulfilled to ensure the good reputation of the entire public administration. This article describes the basic approaches to understanding the phenomenon of “organizational reputation”. The article also discusses the main factors affecting the reputation of civil servants. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of civil servants in the formation of the organizational reputation of the state apparatus. The current reputation of the state apparatus and civil servants of the Republic of Kazakhstan was determined by the method of a sociological survey. The conducted sociological research revealed the influence of the reputation of civil servants on the reputation of the entire state apparatus. The formation of a positive reputation of the state apparatus through the maintenance of the reputation of civil servants is an integral part of the development of the state apparatus, since a positive reputation is evidence that an organization has unique qualities and abilities that allow it to successfully conduct its activities.

About the Authors

S. S. Ayubayeva
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

PhD student.


L. I. Kussainova
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

c.e.s., professor.


A. A. Tynyshbayeva
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, d.s.s, professor.



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For citations:

Ayubayeva S.S., Kussainova L.I., Tynyshbayeva A.A. Role of civil servants in the process of forming the image of the state apparatus. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(1):297-310. (In Kazakh)

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