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Assessment of the industry segments functioning of the grain products sub-complex


The solution of the national food problem largely depends on the intensive development of the subcomplex of grain products of the backbone segment of the agro-industrial complex. The priority of this sector of the agro-industrial complex is due to the strategic importance of grain, due to the constant need for it of various agro-food structures and on its basis of food products of the population. In this regard, there is an objective need to substantiate promising directions for the development of the grain products subcomplex, taking into account modern principles of achieving targets. Given the complexity of the socio-economic conditions of the current period, the subcomplex of grain products in the most popular sectors of the national economy is included in the agricultural cluster. In this regard, the priority direction of the national policy is not only to prevent a recession in various sectors of the agricultural sector, but also to ensure an increase in output both to fully meet domestic needs and to increase exports. Such an approach requires the combined efforts of all subjects of the agro-industrial complex, coordination of activities and a purposeful focus on achieving a high final result. The article notes that the development of production in the sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan requires the search and use of new, more effective forms of production and economic activity. One of the main methods of solving this problem is the integration of commodity producers, which allows combining all the links of the reproduction cycle in a single complex in the technological chain “processing of raw materials – production of finished products”.

About the Authors

P. D. Beisekova
Esil University

PhD student.


M. M. Sauranova
Almaty Technological University

PhD, senior lecturer.


A. Ilyas
Almaty Technological University
Russian Federation

PhD, senior lecturer.


L. M. Yesakhmetova
Almaty Technological University




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For citations:

Beisekova P.D., Sauranova M.M., Ilyas A., Yesakhmetova L.M. Assessment of the industry segments functioning of the grain products sub-complex. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(1):336-348. (In Kazakh)

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