Concept of environmental compliance in the transition to the green economy and ways of its development
Currently, green economy and green energy are world trends. The world's transition to a green economy cannot be ignored. Organizations that fail to adapt to these conditions face financial losses. That is why environmental compliance should be given special attention, as the risks associated with environmental legislation can be very dangerous for business. During the transition to the green economy, preserving the environment allows enterprises to adapt to new market conditions. Compliance with environmental norms, laws and regulations allows to achieve a positive result in the way of increasing the investment attractiveness of business. Currently, it also affects the status of enterprises among the population. In order to organize a comprehensive environmental audit in general enterprises, an integrated system of environmental compliance is needed and it is necessary to introduce environmental compliance into the management of the enterprise by creating synergy with the audit, which should be implemented as a process accompanying the environmental audit. It helps to timely identify and prevent weaknesses of the company in the field of environmental protection and identifies environmental risks aimed at avoiding losses during the implementation of environmental protection. This, in turn, is the way to improve the environmental situation at the level of the republic, when enterprises and businesses obey environmental legislation and implement it on their part. espite the lack of clear advantages, companies should protect the environment because it ensures that legally sound decisions are made with a view to the future. Environmental compliance is a system tool that complements management and helps to pass environmental audits at an appropriate level in environmental management.
About the Authors
A. S. KyzdarbekovaKazakhstan
M. A. Kanabekova
c.e.s., associate professor.
A. K. Nizamdinova
c.e.s., senior lecturer.
B. Popesko
Czech Republic
PhD, professor.
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For citations:
Kyzdarbekova A.S., Kanabekova M.A., Nizamdinova A.K., Popesko B. Concept of environmental compliance in the transition to the green economy and ways of its development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):9-22. (In Kazakh)