Social policy of the state and its impact on the unemployment rate in Kazakhstan
The process of formation of the social support system in Kazakhstan is associated with profound socio-economic reforms. The latest policy documents adopted in Kazakhstan are aimed not only at developing human capital, improving the quality and standard of living of the population, but also at strengthening the socio-economic protection of members of society. Conducting an adequate social policy aimed at improving the quality of life of the population is one of the most important functions of the state. The purpose of this study is to consider the problems of unemployment and poverty, social inequality, as well as the impact of public policy measures to reduce it. The methods of research were review, generalization, statistical and quantitative analysis. The information base of the study was the data of the National Statistical Bureau, which reflected the main problems of domestic social security. In the course of the study it was revealed that the implementation of state projects to increase incomes of the population did not bring the expected effect. The study showed a decrease in the real income of the population with an increase in the dynamics of nominal income, a high proportion of income inequality between the rural and urban population, and this is associated with a general slowdown in economic growth and rising inflation. In addition, the study revealed a high proportion of the self-employed population, who are unfortunately engaged in unproductive activities, which ultimately leads to an increase in poverty. In these conditions it is necessary to systematize measures of social support of the population, implementation of state projects, equalizing incomes of the population.
About the Authors
D. H. BastykovKazakhstan
PhD student.
Ya. A. Yeraliyeva
PhD, professor.
M. A. Aitkazina
PhD, professor.
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For citations:
Bastykov D.H., Yeraliyeva Ya.A., Aitkazina M.A. Social policy of the state and its impact on the unemployment rate in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):48-62. (In Kazakh)