Professional management knowledge as a factor of accelerated development of Kazakhstan
The article describes the domestic experience of large-scale implementation of project management and the creation of a Management Knowledge Center at Satbayev University as a segment of a research hub of modern technologies and support for the development of competencies of managers of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The authors focus on the problem of inconsistency of the level of managerial knowledge of Kazakhstani small business managers with the current needs of the development of companies in the dynamics of market relations, its analysis and solution. The article proposes an approach to identifying the technological maturity of an enterprise in the field of management. Scientific methods such as bibliometric analysis, keyword analysis, generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification, expert evaluation, factor analysis, embedded observation method, etc. were used in the course of the study. When choosing and forming productive management models, one of the principles of the agile-approach is applied – simplicity is the art of maximizing the amount of work that does not need to be done. The concept of enterprise management based on the ideas and principles of Agile-technologies is proposed to increase the share of their contribution to the gross domestic product of the country (GDP), contributing to an increase in the level of professional managerial competencies of the head of the organization. The process of preparation of the domestic system of formation, transfer and assessment of knowledge of owners and managers of SMEs in Kazakhstan is reflected. The obtained results and recommendations of the study, with their large-scale implementation, will significantly increase the contribution of SMEs both to the country's GDP and to the development of innovative technologies, provided that the organization's team must continuously explore and analyze possible ways to improve the efficiency of its own work, constantly exchange information on the project, be motivated and have the resources for this.
About the Authors
A. Ph. TsekhovoyRussian Federation
d.t.s., professor.
A. V. Stepanov
Russian Federation
c.philos.s, associate professor, senior researcher.
N. A. Nekrassova
Russian Federation
A. S. Zholtayeva
Russian Federation
PhD, researcher.
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For citations:
Tsekhovoy A.P., Stepanov A.V., Nekrassova N.A., Zholtayeva A.S. Professional management knowledge as a factor of accelerated development of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):75-89. (In Russ.)