Application of innovative technologies in increasing the efficiency of irrigated land use
The article emphasizes the importance of the wide application of innovative and resource-saving technologies in practice in crop irrigation systems. The current situation in the water sector of the economy requires a radical improvement of the state's water management policy. The country is struggling to adapt to the new market conditions of agricultural management. Therefore, the management of the system remains difficult, water users are not interested in rational use of water, the technical condition of water management and hydro-reclamation systems is deteriorating, huge areas of irrigated land are out of economic circulation. Emerging problems in the water sector reduce the competitiveness of agricultural products and lead to high costs for the production of crop production. Therefore, it has been established that the issues of effective and rational use of land and water resources currently belong to the most important problem of socio-economic development of society. This is due to the fact that the food security of any state and the standard of living of its population are directly related to these factors. In order to solve the problem, the main available resources were proposed, that is, ways to use land and water resources with maximum productivity and efficiency, increase irrigated land in agriculture and save irrigation water. To analyze the factors influencing the efficiency indicators of total irrigation costs, a correlation and regression analysis of the usefulness of cotton products was carried out.
About the Authors
G. O. BaidauletovaKazakhstan
PhD student.
A. Y. Yesbolova
PhD, associate professor.
E. De La Poza
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For citations:
Baidauletova G.O., Yesbolova A.Y., De La Poza E. Application of innovative technologies in increasing the efficiency of irrigated land use. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):217-229. (In Kazakh)