Features of state management and regulation in the sphere of energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: prospects and risks
At present, the stable development and growth of the country's economy directly depend on the quality of energy supply and the development of the energy sector. Today, the population and industry are completely dependent on energy supply. Insufficient attention from the authorities to the development of the energy sector may hold back the growth of other sectors. It is known that the demand for electricity in the future will increase due to the country's economic development. In order to further increase the efficiency of the energy sector, the government has taken a number of reforms to restructure the energy sector. However, these steps to improve the sphere have not produced results. In the future, the government should consider a number of issues to attract investment in the energy sector, including pricing, legal issues, and reforms of energy enterprises. The aim of the article is to analyze the state regulation in the energy sector, that is, the sustainable development of the industry taking into account the interests of consumers and the state at all levels. Energy sector regulation has strategic importance for the state in terms of ensuring energy security, improving the competitiveness of the economy, and promoting sustainable development. So far, the methods and management system created by the state have shown poor efficiency. In this regard, the article comprehensively studies and analyzes in detail the mechanisms of state management and regulation in the energy supply system of the country. In addition, the paper examines the elements of state management and the evolution of the energy supply system in the country, and compares the systems of state management of the energy industry in the USA, Norway, the UK, China and the Russian Federation. In the article with the help of SWOT and scientific analysis the risks in the management of the energy sector of the country are considered.
About the Authors
B. M. MussinKazakhstan
PhD student.
Z. M. Mussina
Russian Federation
PhD doctor, senior lector.
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For citations:
Mussin B.M., Mussina Z.M. Features of state management and regulation in the sphere of energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: prospects and risks. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):299-310. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2023-1-3-299-310