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Essential problems and priorities of state regulation of migration approaches in the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article aims to determine the activities that include the management of migration processes, the impact on the increase or stabilization of the population, and the unity and security of the country. The impact of the migration policy on the country’s security was studied systematically, structurally, historically, behaviorally, on a comparative basis, based on social methods. The main task is to improve immigration and migration of foreigners to the country of Kazakhstan, openness of state borders, geopolitical location of the republic, stability of interethnic relations, as well as state regulation of migration and settlement processes. In this article, the problems of real socio-economic growth, development of the region, employing citizens in the country, and reaching the highest level of civilized development were considered. Kazakhstan faces a general spectrum of future development with modern conditions of economic prosperity: transformation into a civilized new state, where the negative impact of migration and landing is rooted in the economic system of a developing country, where migration and landing processes do not have any impact on the development of the country. The authors state the inability of the authorities regulating migration and landing to create an insurmountable barrier for unwanted immigrants to the state and support the acceptable entry of large ethnic groups into society, the need for new methods and tools for Migration Policy, as well as research on new initiatives. Based on statistical data on the migration process of Kazakhstan, forecast indicators for 2030–2050 have been developed.

About the Authors

A. Y. Kultanova
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

PhD student.


D. A. Zhoshibayeva
Auezov University

master of finance, senior lecturer.


G. T. Kunurkulzhayeva
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

c.e.s., associate professor.


B. Zh. Bolatova
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

c.e.s., associate professor.



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For citations:

Kultanova A.Y., Zhoshibayeva D.A., Kunurkulzhayeva G.T., Bolatova B.Zh. Essential problems and priorities of state regulation of migration approaches in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):311-326.

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