Effectiveness of using a customer journey map: practical case of a Kazakhstani SME company
The article considers a practical case, using the example of an SME company, which shows the effectiveness of using the customer journey map (CJM) tool. The purpose of this study is to obtain confirmation of the effectiveness of CJM as a tool for customer analytics in the context of the activities of a Kazakhstan company a representative of SMEs. A company operating in the market of Almaty was chosen as the object of study. The subject of the study is the process of applying the customer journey map. The authors of the article obtained data confirming the impact of CJM on the company's performance level, including indicators of marketing activities and the return on efforts to organize and execute marketing activities focused on the client and using client analytics tools, as well as financial indicators. The article's content focuses on the fact that customer analytics is of particular importance in digitalization including because digitalization provides new opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses to use such tools. When conducting the study, a case study methodology was applied, which, in combination with the method of indepth interviews, allows for obtaining qualitative information about the subject of the study. The study results allow us to conclude that it is expedient to implement the customer journey map in the company's processes the object of study. The positive results and practical experience of testing CJM in the conditions of a Kazakhstani SME company indicate the possibility of replicating both the CJM tool itself among Kazakhstani small and medium-sized businesses and the experience of the article's authors in this direction.
About the Authors
T. A. SoldatenkoKazakhstan
PhD student.
S. R. Yessimzhanova
d.e.s, professor.
G. K. Baizhaxynova
c.e.s.,associate professor.
T. L. Fedorova
m.e.s.,senior lecturer.
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For citations:
Soldatenko T.A., Yessimzhanova S.R., Baizhaxynova G.K., Fedorova T.L. Effectiveness of using a customer journey map: practical case of a Kazakhstani SME company. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):339-353. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2023-1-3-339-353