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Influence of gender stereotypes on professional trajectories of STEM students in Kazakhstan


STEM, which combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, is a predominantly male-dominated field where women do not have good chances to compete with men. At the same time, they face gender stereotypes on the way to career advancement. Despite the changing landscape in STEM, women are still underrepresented in these fields and are making insecure advances in their profession. It is due to the dominance of gender stereotypes, which significantly limit women’s career aspirations and potential opportunities. Moreover, gender stereotypes are constantly fueled by the processes of re-traditionalization that have intensified since independence in the countries of Central Asia. The purpose of the article is to identify how gender stereotypes that take place in Kazakhstan affect the career aspirations of girls in industries that are considered “male” and their choice of educational programs that are related to STEM. Although there are many scientific papers examining the impact of gender stereotypes on women in STEM around the world, they are often limited to qualitative and/or non-representative quantitative research designs. Particular attention is paid to the study of the social and cultural context of Kazakhstan, which is different from other Central Asian countries. Conducting a quantitative survey provided a deeper understanding of gender stereotypes of men and women in STEM Kazakhstan. The conclusions from the analysis of the respondents’ survey results (N=1425) may interest researchers, teachers, employers, politicians and NGO representatives, and anyone interested in promoting gender equality.

About the Authors

A. T. Yerimpashaeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

c.e.s., senior lecturer.


A. V. Lipovka
Almaty Management University

PhD, associate professor.


R. Ye. Tarakbaeva
Turan University

c.t.s., associate professor.


A. A. Zakirova
Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory

senior lecturer.



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For citations:

Yerimpashaeva A.T., Lipovka A.V., Tarakbaeva R.Ye., Zakirova A.A. Influence of gender stereotypes on professional trajectories of STEM students in Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):399-414. (In Russ.)

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