Practice-oriented education as a response to the challenges of modern world
The modern world is a world that requires us to have a certain way of thinking, a non-standard approach to solving problems that arise in connection with digitalization and dynamic technological changes. The in-demand intelligence of today combines proven methods and strategies with new ways to apply them and creative ways to build them. In order for education to ensure the formation of such qualities in students, it is necessary to look for training formats that would focus on adaptability, flexibility of thinking, creativity, problem-centeredness, etc. Within the framework of the proposed article, a model of practice-oriented education is described, implemented at the D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan Technical University (hereinafter EKTU). The purpose of the article is to highlight and justify the importance of the process of modernization of vocational education through the introduction of a practiceoriented concept of education. Practice-oriented education is interpreted as the interaction of the university and its partners for the maximum development of professional competencies and practical experience. Network cooperation with enterprises of the region and the country, on the one hand, and with leading universities and research centers, on the other, makes it possible to strengthen the activities of educational programs. One of the ways to introduce such a format of education at the university is highlighted. The level system of its implementation is also described, which consists in the phased formation of practical competencies among graduate school students and students throughout their studies at the university. The creation of a digital profile of a student’s competencies, as a result of the acquired and demonstrated competencies, is part of the implementation of such a level education. The paper also considers the concepts of SPOD-, VUCAand BANI worlds, the challenges and requirements of which determine the reformatting of the educational paradigm.
About the Authors
S. Zh. RakhmetullinaKazakhstan
c.t.s., associate professor.
Zh. T. Konurbayeva
c.e.s., associate professor.
D. S. Surova
Kazakhstan, senior lecturer.
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For citations:
Rakhmetullina S.Zh., Konurbayeva Zh.T., Surova D.S. Practice-oriented education as a response to the challenges of modern world. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(3):415-427. (In Russ.)