Export impact in the EEU on the economy of Kazakhstan
The controversy regarding the place of the Eurasian Economic Union in the economy of Kazakhstan has become especially relevant in the current geopolitical conditions. Some economists consider the Union as a booster of the economy, others as a ballast that pulls the development of the economy back. Kazakhstan is a country with an open economy, so export plays an important role in the development of the economy. This article aims to consider the role played by the export of the Republic of Kazakhstan in general, to the EEU and to countries outside the Union, as well as how the Union has influenced the diversification of the economy of Kazakhstan. The authors' review of the scientific literature on this topic showed that the analysis of Kazakhstan's foreign economic relations in the EEU is given enough attention in domestic and foreign scientific literature. However, the authors wanted to present their vision of this problem. We analyzed the impact of exports in the EEU on Kazakhstan's GDP in comparison with the impact of total exports, as well as exports to non-EEU countries. As well as an analysis of changes in the structure of exports to find out whether the Economic Union has contributed to the diversification of the economy of Kazakhstan. The study used methods of comparison, analogy, regression and factor analysis using data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as statistics of the Eurasian Commission. The results can be used in further research.
About the Authors
G. Zh. KarimbaevaKazakhstan
G.Zh. Karimbaeva - c.e.s., associate professor
A. A. Rakhimbekova
A.A. Rakhimbekova - m.e.s., lecturer
I. D. Ashimova
I.D. Ashimova - c.e.s., associate professor
M. D. Zhumabaeva
M.D. Zhumabaeva - c.e.s., associate professor
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For citations:
Karimbaeva G.Zh., Rakhimbekova A.A., Ashimova I.D., Zhumabaeva M.D. Export impact in the EEU on the economy of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):9-21. https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2023-1-4-9-21