Theoretical foundations of management and functioning of the healthcare system in the Republic of Kazakhtan
The research topic related to the healthcare system is relevant, as it is one of the key areas of social policy and the effective management of this system is important to ensure high-quality and affordable medical care to the population. Currently, Kazakhstan is facing a few challenges and changes that require updating and developing the theoretical foundations of management in the healthcare system. The purpose of this work to analyze and assess the current state and problems in the healthcare of Kazakhstan to develop and propose theoretical foundations of management that contribute to its more effective organization. Among the used methods were the analytical, statistical, functional, system analysis, deduction, synthesis and comparison method. The study determined the organizational of the healthcare in Kazakhstan, including the roles and functions of the main institutions and responsible for the management and provision of medical care. The quality and availability of medical care in Kazakhstan is investigated. Various theoretical concepts, models and approaches to healthcare management were studied in order to develop new theoretically sound management models that take into account the unique features of the healthcare system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This study shows that the financing of the healthcare system is an important aspect for providing affordable medicine to all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the course of the research within the framework of this article, scientific and practical recommendations were prepared for government agencies.
About the Authors
T. M. ZharlygassinovKazakhstan
T.M. Zharlygassinov - postdoctoral student
S. T. Kupeshova
S.T. Kupeshova - c.e.s, associate professor
S. K. Nurymova
S. K. Nurymova - PhD student
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For citations:
Zharlygassinov T.M., Kupeshova S.T., Nurymova S.K. Theoretical foundations of management and functioning of the healthcare system in the Republic of Kazakhtan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):83-95. (In Russ.)