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Development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan in transition from resource-based to innovative economy


In today's dynamically changing world, the small and medium-sized enterprise sector ensures the competitiveness of the state. Small business serves as a catalyst for innovation, a generator of creative solutions, and its presence creates a springboard for the country’s dynamic breakthrough. The small business sector is able to quickly respond to external turbulent changes and focus on producing in-demand goods and services for both domestic and foreign markets. Large-scale work is underway in Kazakhstan to support the SME sector. However, the share of innovative products in the GDP structure remains low. The transition from a resource-based to an innovative economy is possible with the activation of small and medium-sized businesses. The purpose of the article is to apply the concept of the quadruple helix to enhance the innovative activities of SMEs by intensifying partnership interaction. The research methodology is based on presenting the role of SMEs in the innovative development of the state. Based on the calculated correlation indicators of the effectiveness of investments in innovation in Kazakhstan, the authors made conclusions about the need for state support in segments that provide breakthrough innovations. The authors used general scientific, statistical, correlation, and retrospective methods of analysis. In the context of digitalization of economic sectors, a model of interaction between stakeholders of a regional digital technology platform has been proposed to enhance the innovative activities of SMEs. The results can be used by government agencies and representatives of higher education to ensure the transition from a resource-based to innovative economy.

About the Authors

V. R. Zarubina
M. Dulatov Kostanay University of Engineering and Economics

V.R. Zarubina -  c.e.s., associate professor


M. Y. Zarubin
M. Dulatov Kostanay University of Engineering and Economics

M.Y. Zarubin - c.t.s., associate professor


A. K. Kurmangalieva
A. Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University

A.K. Kurmangalieva -  c.e.s., associate professor



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For citations:

Zarubina V.R., Zarubin M.Y., Kurmangalieva A.K. Development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan in transition from resource-based to innovative economy. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):109-120. (In Russ.)

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