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Economic aspects of goose and duck breeding development


The issues of goose and duck farming have not been raised at the economic level for a long time. Over the last decade, National Statistics Bureau Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan has not had information on the development of this type of poultry farming. Due to it the authors raised questions about the need for and prospects of the industry. The purpose of the article is to show the possible prospects for expanding the production of goose and duck breeding in our country as well as to identify the barriers that hinder their development. The results of the study can be applied in agricultural formations, peasant or farm enterprises. The abstract– logical method allows you to reveal the opportunities for Kazakhstan to develop poultry in the form of geese and ducks; the statistical method helped the authors to consider options for the development of the market for ducks and geese by using examples from other countries. In the world practice the meat of geese and ducks, which contains biologically valuable proteins and lipids. It has a higher energy value, as well as a high quality of production under relatively light conditions for care and cultivation. The authors give a comparative characteristic of the energy value of various types of meat, show options for using additional products of domestic waterfowl. Statistics on the prices of goose and duck meat, characteristics of their consumer properties, and recommendations for improving the development of the industry are given. The issues of food security of the population can be solved by expanding the market under consideration and through cooperation with stable agricultural and processing enterprises. Business development requires a small amount of government support in the form of concessional lending, temporary reduction or elimination of taxes.

About the Authors

Y. E. Gridneva
Caspian Public University

Y.E. Gridneva - c.e.s, associate professor


G. Sh. Kaliakparova
Caspian Public University

G.Sh. Kaliakparova - PhD, associate professor


S. V. Bespalyi
Innovative University of Eurasia

S.V. Bespalyi - c.e.s., professor



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For citations:

Gridneva Y.E., Kaliakparova G.Sh., Bespalyi S.V. Economic aspects of goose and duck breeding development. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):161-173. (In Russ.)

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