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Innovative business models for the development of environmental entrepreneurship in the waste sector of Kazakstan


In modern conditions, most developed countries of the world have moved away from the linear model of economy, which leads to the depletion of natural resources, degradation of the environment and health. They have opted for a green growth strategy based on the use of innovative technologies. Despite the fact that production and consumption waste management is one of the main directions of implementation of the Concept on Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) to a “green economy”, an effective system of collection and recycling has not been created in the sphere of municipal solid waste (MSW), which causes many problems. The aim of the study is to find opportunities for innovative business models for recycling and reuse of MSW in Kazakhstan. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the fact that based on the identification of the essence, principles and models of circular economy the necessity of active development of eco-entrepreneurship in the field of waste is justified. The practical significance lies in the problems of MSW sector and the main ways to solve them. To eliminate these problems and obstacles it is proposed to use innovative business models for waste recycling into secondary raw materials, to create conditions for the activation of the “green business”, based on the principles of closed-cycle economy. The study concluded that the MSW sector in Kazakhstan is a promising niche for the development of eco-entrepreneurship. It is recommended to use the circular principles, business models, create favourable conditions for business activities.

About the Authors

D. E. Ausharipova
University of International Business

D.E. Ausharipova - postdoctoral student, senior lecturer


L. B. Kulumbetova
University of International Business

L.B. Kulumbetova - d.e.s., professor


E. Tankova
Varna Free University Varna

E. Tankova - PhD, associate professor



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For citations:

Ausharipova D.E., Kulumbetova L.B., Tankova E. Innovative business models for the development of environmental entrepreneurship in the waste sector of Kazakstan. Bulletin of "Turan" University. 2023;(4):174-187. (In Russ.)

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